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Event Technology

Master your event email communications with

Jun 18, 2024 / 3 min read
By: Nicholas Royal, Customer Success
Email communications are important for the event show-runners, and let's you master them with ease.
Effective event organization depends on tailored communication with your attendees. You need to inform delegates about event details and market future editions to them post-event. Sponsors require updates on their tasks and timelines, along with pitches for next year's event. Additionally, coordinating with speakers is crucial for managing your agenda and content. enables you to customize your email communications for each of these groups, as well as to sub-segment them, allowing you to send emails to specific subgroups. Want to email only VIP ticket holders? No problem. Only platinum-level sponsors? Done. Only speakers covering a certain topic? Absolutely.

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Moreover, these emails can be branded with your event's identity and sent from your email address on your domain. makes all of this possible.
1. Segment Your Audience:
Every attendee is unique, with varying roles, ticket types, preferences, job functions, and more. To effectively reach them, segment them based on these parameters. This allows you to create precise messaging to different attendee groups directly from
2. Personalize Your Messages:
In a world where the average person receives 80 emails a day, personalization is crucial. enables you to write context-aware mails - you will talk to speakers about their sessions, to sponsors about their sponsorships, and attendees who subscribed for a certain session details and possible changes about that session. No need to leave to achieve any of that.
3. Humanize Your Emails:
Instead of sending impersonal "no-reply" emails, use a personal email address for your event communications. allows you to configure your sender email address. Choose between a personalized address with the sender's first and last name or a generic address, depending on what suits your scenario best.

In summary, enables you to focus on different attendee segments, personalization, and optimization to have impactful email communications for your event.