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The full list of event registration and ticket sales features
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Tickets and Ticket Add-Ons

Unlimited number of ticket types for attendees, sponsors, speakers, and organizers
Ticket add-ons that can be purchased only with specific ticket types
Free and paid tickets
Ticket availability and maximum amounts
Hidden and VIP tickets

Registration Forms and Payments

Event-Branded Registration Forms
Custom registration forms and fields
Text fields, numeric fields, drop-downs, checkboxes, etc.
Mark which fields will be visible to sponsors through lead retrieval
Easy payment through integration of diverse payment providers
More than 20 payment methods, including credit cards, invoices, and SEPA
Integrated invoicing, refund requests, and ticket cancellations


Early bird and range pricing (different prices for different time periods)
Quantity discounts
Different tax rates for different ticket types

Vouchers (Promo Codes)

Discount vouchers
Variable discounts per ticket type
Time and amount limits on vouchers
Reveal vouchers (showing and hiding ticket types in the registration form based on the voucher used)
Combining discount and reveal vouchers
Creation of multiple vouchers in a batch