Use Gamification to Boost Expo Engagement

Attendees can collect coins by visiting booths, participating in sessions, and providing feedback. These coins then become their pass to exclusive swag and goodies from exhibitors, or even for a much-needed cup of coffee. A live leaderboard keeps everyone on their toes.

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Set your own gamification rules

  • Checkmark Award coins for different types of attendee engagement.
  • Checkmark Encourage and award visiting exhibitor booths and sponsor sessions.
  • Checkmark Encourage leaving feedback and filling in surveys.

Draw Attention to Sponsors and Exhibitors by showcasing their offerings

  • Checkmark Communicate what can be obtained with the coins.
  • Checkmark Display swag and giveaways available at sponsor booths.
  • Checkmark Allow sponsors and exhibitors to organize prize drawings.

Display Live Leaderboards to Foster Competitiveness and attendee engagement

  • Checkmark Encourage competitiveness and engagement with live leaderboards
  • Checkmark Spotlight Attendees with the Most Collected Coins
  • Checkmark Encourage Attendees to Redeem Coins for Gadgets and Giveaways Makes Expo Booth Visits Fun Again!

Our mission is to draw event attendees to expo booths...

...what exhibitors do with them is their responsibility :)